The official WORKOUT thread

yea I think you'd rather be like that than be a douchebag like me who is around 215-220 and still thinks he is not big enough :erk:

Long as you enjoy what you're doing. I'd say as long as you're staying in shape and you're having fun with it, that's more important than the finer details of muscle mass, body fat percentage, mileage, legs, ass, arms, etc. etc.

Though if you're into bodybuilding, I guess part of the fun is the sense of competition at the gym, and seeing just how beefy you can get, or whatever. I don't actually know what your personal motivations are for it.
Though if you're into bodybuilding, I guess part of the fun is the sense of competition at the gym, and seeing just how beefy you can get, or whatever. I don't actually know what your personal motivations are for it.

it's just alot of fun TBH. Seeing how big you can get, measuring the muscles, seeing how low body fat percentage you can get. It's all a big challenge that is never ending, and I love it. Obviously not a lifestyle for everybody, but I love the powerlifting aspects of it and I love how healthy/strong/fit I feel everyday.

I love that when I go to work, I am called on to do nearly every single physically demanding task because everybody else is in horrible shape.

I guess it's just another dimension of me, who I am, what I love, and what I am passionate about.

As long as you don't let it become obsessive, and don't do steroids. I think bodybuilding is a very healthy and all around great lifestyle
I do high intensity interval training, that's how you burn the most calories in the short period of time

run very intense for 2 minutes (at like 70-100% heart rate), then take a minute long break (where you are walking at a moderate pace), do that for 10-15 minutes for 2-4 times a week

it just depends on what your goals are, how good your diet is, what you are comfortable with, etc... if you are trying to gain lean muscle, I would do zero cardio, but if you are trying to lose alot of fat, I would do pretty intense cardio (along with the workout)

in any case, doing cardio alone is not a good idea as you will lose some LBM (lean body mass) which is not what you want to do. The ONLY thing you want to do is lose fat.

there are a very few "hard" answers in fitness, you gotta find what works for you going by the general guidelines of fitness.

So basically the point of cardio is moreso just to burn fat than to stay in shape?
I swam a few laps, probably about 10 at the college's Olympic sized pool and it killed me Wednesday! I struggled to swim constantly for a lap, because my arms were killing me, I just did it for fun though, I want to do it again. :)
Dave, how can I measure my bodyfat? I'd like to do it regularly to make sure the weight I'm gaining isn't the wrong kind.
Dave, how can I measure my bodyfat? I'd like to do it regularly to make sure the weight I'm gaining isn't the wrong kind.

get bodyfat calipers, you can buy them online for like 10-20 bucks

as long as you are eating clean (no junk food) and working out hard, you will be gaining mostly LBM (lean body mass) though, so you don't have to worry about that too much.
I work out 3-4 days a week. My circuit of biceps is 14.6 inches. I only lift 190 pounds on a bench. My height is 5'9 and I weight 176 pounds. I'm not proud of myself. I wan't to lift 220 pounds on the bench by the end of this year.

EDIT: I'm 17, don't know if that makes any difference. I see you guys are fuckin' strong.
I generally do sets at 225 - 265

I don't max out all that often. My training methods are a cross between bodybuilding and powerlifting. For example, yesterday I did

flat barbell bench
1 set of 14 - 225
1 sets of 10 - 225
1 sets of 6 - 245
1 set of 3 - 275

dumbell incline bench
1 set of 10 - 130 (65s)
1 set of 10 - 160 (80s)
1 set of 8 - 190 (95s)
1 set of 4 - 200
1 set of 2 - 220

I like to change things up, but I always aim for large strength gains. Strength gains + perfect form are the key to all around size along with the diet.
that's due to genetics more than anything else. Hell I'd say the overwhelming majority of very attractive girls look like they do because of genetics.

Perhaps. I'm convinced, however, that the jogging and walking keeps me in shape, as I took a week off from my routine whilst in Italy, and I felt like a complete bag of shit.
Ok, I've decided I'm going to try and lose 5-10 pounds, I'm not really going to change the type of foods and drinks though, just the portions and the how often the portions. If I don't lose the weight then I'm probably at the right weight, I don't know. :) Well I'm not going to be able to lift weights for a couple weeks since I'm out of school and I'll get the 30 $ a month for a gym membership then, but I did do 50 reps of a 20 pound dumbbell at my house today, 50 military presses, 50 bench press, 50 pull-ups from the ground, and I did feel the burn so something must be right. I'll just keep skipping rope everyday and probably run a little bit to go along with it. Do you think this is a good workout/diet plan bigdave?
Ok, I've decided I'm going to try and lose 5-10 pounds, I'm not really going to change the type of foods and drinks though, just the portions and the how often the portions. If I don't lose the weight then I'm probably at the right weight, I don't know. :) Well I'm not going to be able to lift weights for a couple weeks since I'm out of school and I'll get the 30 $ a month for a gym membership then, but I did do 50 reps of a 20 pound dumbbell at my house today, 50 military presses, 50 bench press, 50 pull-ups from the ground, and I did feel the burn so something must be right. I'll just keep skipping rope everyday and probably run a little bit to go along with it. Do you think this is a good workout/diet plan bigdave?

I would really try to change the foods however. Skip the junk food, start drinking exclusively water, eat more vegetables/fruit, get more protein.

The training plan is alright, once you get the gym membership start messing around with the weights and slowly get into a routine.
I need to start running. As of now I am a pretty lazy bastard. I try to do a fairly simple routine of 50 pushups, 100 crunches and various other exercises to work out the ass, 3 times a week. I don't know how much of an effect this will have on my health but I need to do something and I am not too big on going to the gym daily. I'd rather play a sport or run than try to 'bulk up'. Also, I am naturally pretty slender so I am not too concerned about becoming a fatass.
Yeah, I like running mainly because it's so simple, and because you can't argue with the benefit it has for your heart.

I can make lots of excuses to myself not to go to the gym - too far away, lots of sweaty jocks, not having a weight training plan, etc. - but for running it's like "seriously, I just have to go out my door and run; what the hell am I waiting for?"

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