
the psychedelic servant
Jan 20, 2002
you wanted it, and you get it!!!

in the last few days i made the version 2.0 of the picture site, which is currently running at this address:
as i just said, it's a long address, but once there you can bookmark it with a mouse click on the intro page.

instructions on how to submit a pic are on the site. anyway, basically it consists on you sending your pic(s) to the address [strange, but works!], and i'll add you to the opethfans list asap. believe me, the only thing i'll do with your stuff is posting it on the site.

sorry, i forgot a slash at the end of the address, so the browser searched for a file and not for a directory. now it works ;)
Nice work. It isn't very obvious that the picture numbers are links though.. and with that all the images seem to come up as little mini thumbnail versions in a pop-up window which is non-resizeable. After this gets going with few more members I'll sticky the link.

EDIT: The images now seem to come up in their proper sizes... strange. Could be a quirk in Firefox.
Moonlapse said:
Nice work. It isn't very obvious that the picture numbers are links though.. and with that all the images seem to come up as little mini thumbnail versions in a pop-up window which is non-resizeable. After this gets going with few more members I'll sticky the link.

EDIT: The images now seem to come up in their proper sizes... strange. Could be a quirk in Firefox.

I'm using IE, I'm having the same problem.

edit: Well, shit, never mind....working fine now! Weird. Maybe you just have to load the site a couple times? eh, i dunno.
Yeah it only seems to be an issue the first time you view the image. Very curious indeed. This sort of crap happens in web design all the time... I can't even begin to recall the countless lost hours I used to spend bug-proofing my web pages for Nutscrape to display them properly.
Ren's Detailed Hands said:

seperated at birth??????

man the fucking irony in that statement is amazing.

not seperated at birth. thats me.

how did you find that picture, ive never seen that particular website before...pretty clever of you.
Ren's Detailed Hands said:
googled it. the site said it was your brother. their lies sort of ruins the whole joke. :erk:

oh. well, i have a twin brother...i wasnt sure if it was him or i. sorry to ruin the joke...i just hadnt seen that picture since as long as i can remember.