The Opeth - Black Sabbath connection


Sep 24, 2003
near Sydney, Australia
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OK, this is my message on the 'MAYH face' thread, just thought I'd field the question to the boardgoers in general:
So, does the cover of 'Black Sabbath' remind you of MAYH cover? Especially the girl in both, and the creepy trees?
And, does the band pic from 'masters of reality' remind you of the Damnation pic?
I'm not saying Opeth ripped them off or anything, just similar ideas. I think both the MAYH cover and Damnation pic are fucking awesome (especially the former), but they just reminded me of Sabbath equivalents. What are your thoughts?

I don't know how to post pics, so this is where you will find the following:

The cover of 'Black Sabbath' (reminiscent of MAYH cover): Sabbath-[remaster]-front.jpg

The band picture (from the 'Masters of Reality' release: reminiscent of the Damnation band pic):

(scroll down to the bottom of the page - bad picture though)

tell me your thoughts...

(sorry I'm computer illiterate: you'll have to copy and paste the entire address; the link doesn't work)
Staffan said:
It's extra cool since I read in an interview that the black sabbath cover is Mikaels favourit cover

Not only that, but Mikael has one of the original posters that came with Master of Reality LP, framed on his wall, and he said he wanted Opeth to look like that!
bangadrian said:
yeah it's always cool when metal bands completely ruin the classic sabbath songs by covering them. ever listened to a sabbath tribute album? my point exactly.

no, can't say that i have, so your point is lost on me. pantera, pride and glory, sepultura, and a few other bands have done good sabbath covers, so i see no reason why opeth shouldn't. after all, it couldn't be any more of a butcher job than remember tomorrow.
the first picture has a modest resemblance, but I wouldn't call it copied, the second picture of the band.... thats very similar, but since its a band picture, I don't see it as a major plagarism.
If you read my post properly, you would see that I did not say it was either 'copied' or 'plagiarised'. I just said that there is a resemblance. One of those 'cool' resemblances, NOT one where you see it and go "ugh, that's just a fucking ripoff".

So, please read my (somewhat poorly put together) posts a little better before commenting.
