The other Iron Maiden...

Evil C.

Jan 19, 2003
houston, tx
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The other Iron Maiden.

So, I discovered there is a band that came out in 1969 from the UK as well, called Iron Maiden. The album is called Maiden Voyage. Pretty killer prog rock stuff from the late 60's. Very modern in structure, but old school.. I am really digging it. I can compare it to something like the amboy dukes.

Anyone heard of this before? I can post a sample if interested. Anyone know of any other old bands like this?

Evil C.
Wasn't there some Black Sabbath type band before the real deal? And they did the whole satanic thing? I'm sure there's mention of it in that Lords of Chaos book....
You might be thinking of Black Widow (I think), JK. They got a song called Sacrifice on that compilation, from the late 60s. A bit strange. Typical 60s extended jamming and laid-back music and a guy who sounds like he could be your friendly uncle singing about sacrifices :dopey:

Never knew there was another Iron Maiden proper! Cor! C'mon, give us a sample :)