the perfect metal video


"the shredcomancer"
what was i doing, oh yeah, watching the "army of darkness" with the volume down listening to "follow the reaper" stoned. so we'll need children of bodom to shoot a video in the middle of an ancient war between the living and the dead. which means we'll have to come up with a device that sends them and a generator (for their instruments) into a dimension that is in the midst of an evil undead war. we'll need a camera man to go back too. i know this could be dangerous for you guys in the band and perhaps i'll need to be there too, just so i can make sure things go down the way i see it in my head. of course we'll need cooperation with both sides; the living and the dead, but i think we can work something out. I'll need help from others to obtain this book of the dead, now i'm not sure how to spell it, but i think the technical term is the "necronamacon", i probably slaughtered the spelling. its ok if we can't obtain this book, because i forsee this battle not stopping for a metal band shooting a video, but if they stop and ask we can just explain that we're from a parallel universe that needs to use their amazing scenery (mudded over grass, hill rising into a dark cloud covered sky; on the horizon sits a giant beat up castle that's home to the living, and back the opposite direction the world grows colder, darker, and. . .dead. the skys pouring a black rain and the only light comes from the red glow of a defeated sun, behind mountains of black clouds) to shoot a metal video and to act natural. this will do fine. but anyways, yeah we'll, trasport them and they'll be playing one of their songs and this battle will rage on behind them, only ending with the climax and finale of the song. there will be much bloodshed of the innocent and many undead will have there rotting corpses burned to ashes, but this has to happen. i need to go think about how i'm going to make the device for the whole change of dimensions part. if anybody has any more ideas, any little bit will help. we have to go load up our dying van for an atlanta show tonight. i'll think about this for a while and come back with some more ideas for you guys.

sean "horrible"