The Perfect Show !

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Apr 6, 2003
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Hello ya' all !!!
I'v just heard Egypt and i was wondering how awsome it would be if they could land a gig near the pyramids, and hearing that song while ya gaze up to the pyramid !!

So what is you'r perfect location for an SX concert ? :)
theodyssey said:
Wherever I am... that's where they shoudl play. And they should play every song in their catalogue. That would be the shit man.

You misunderstood me man !
I ment a whole show, use you'r imagination !

ok than ....,,, what is you'r Dream SX show ?
i didn't misunderstand you, i was just being a smartass (heh... sorry bout that!). But i was thinking, wouldn't it be cool for the setting to be like... a forest around twilight time with snow falling all around and them playing winter's dream pt. 1 or lady of the snow. Perfect. Sorry that's not a specific place, but i think it would be cool.
ProgMetalFan said:
I think they should play on an old sailing ship through stormy waters in the North Sea.

Man, I got the mental picture...what a great idea! Hair blowing in the wind, Russ climbing the poles, etc. I love it!

I sure would like to see a concert video with segments from a lot of shows with audience shots. You could really see what these guys do to people when they are performing. All of us Forum friends will have to be in the segments (in front of the stage, of course!) :headbang:
.EGYPT! Inside or on top of a huge pyrimad. Haha, that would be great.
But I think setting sail on a ship, with the Odyssey... That. Would. Be. The. Shit.
I think they should do a video, if just for the forum friends... we should try to get something together where we could help fund a video... i mean, i don't know if we could gather much monay, but i am sure insideout would be much more willing to help finance a video if they could bring some money themselves... even if only like 500-1000 dollars... i know there are more politics than that, but what does everyone thing??? Would anyone be willing to make donations if we could figure something out?
theodyssey said:
I think they should do a video, if just for the forum friends... we should try to get something together where we could help fund a video... i mean, i don't know if we could gather much monay, but i am sure insideout would be much more willing to help finance a video if they could bring some money themselves... even if only like 500-1000 dollars... i know there are more politics than that, but what does everyone thing??? Would anyone be willing to make donations if we could figure something out?
i WISH MAN !!!