The Person Above Me Thread


^^haven't seen you in a while, where have you been?!

^^^ah, i see...nephy's only 10 months old...but he's starting to form sounds and stuff, so it won't be long before he can be taught how to sing...AND i found a little tot-sized guitar at my music dealer that would fit perfectly in his little hands in a short while!:D
^can your nephew walk yet? my daughter start at 8 1/2 months, it was nuts

^^^yeah i went to the anahiem show, no they didnt play trashed, i was pissed. the setlist of what they played is in the anahiem show thread
^my gf and me got solo pics with roope(i also got to talk to him for a few minutes, which was quite nice to do). my gf and her friends got pics with henkka and janne, and then we all got pics with henkka inside the venue