The Person Above Me..

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^ that man has a good memory

(Is it possible that you've been talking to Opacity and did you perhaps at some point plan to come to Vienna? I remember her mentioning that someone from the board would come to a gig here...that was ages ago, of course)
Somber Soul said:
(Is it possible that you've been talking to Opacity and did you perhaps at some point plan to come to Vienna? I remember her mentioning that someone from the board would come to a gig here...that was ages ago, of course)
yup. i have been talking with her, and i indeed visited her in vienna almost exactly one year ago. best hospitality ever. :) i remember back then we mentioned you 'cause you've met opi too if i'm not mistaken. yet it's still one whole year since i last thought about your origins. :p
So now it's all revealed. The Secret Origins of Somber Soul. *brrr* I hope she only spoke well of me. ;) I'm sorry I didn't have the opportunity to meet you. Perhaps you'll come back one day (maybe for the next DT gig?).

Does Opi post here at all anymore? Yes, I met her on a couple of occasions in real life.
Somber Soul said:
So now it's all revealed. The Secret Origins of Somber Soul. *brrr* I hope she only spoke well of me. ;) I'm sorry I didn't have the opportunity to meet you. Perhaps you'll come back one day (maybe for the next DT gig?).
highly likely. :cool: not the gig: my being there for it. :p

Does Opi post here at all anymore?
unfortunately, only very rarely. and thus i have exceeded my quota of words ending in "y" for today. :erk:
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