The Person Above Me..

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rahvin said:
highly likely. :cool: not the gig: my being there for it. :p
Brilliant! This time I won't miss you, since I'll be on the board for at least 10 more months (which is how long I have to endure at my current work).

unfortunately, only very rarely. and thus i have exceeded my quota of words ending in "y" for today. :erk:
It will be very difficult NOT to exceed that quota when using English. ;)
Well, I see Opi in ICQ from time to time. I will say hello to her there.
^^ used to have blue hair which is a fashion faux pas. No offense (I didn't say it, the beauty magazines did) :p :)
^ is above someone who was confused herself :p

@lumi: yeah, it hit me after i clicked 'post.' she meant that blue hair is a no-no, a mistake you shouldn't make in fashion.
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