The pics thread

Ugh, being a person who spends a great amount of time at hockey games, I estimate having heard the Live Is Life - chorus over 1000 times. What is it with hockey and that song? :erk:
Their cover of Queen's "One Vision" is even better, emphasizing the (unintentional, but still) fascistic undertones of the lyrical content.

Queen - One Vision

Laibach - Geburt Einer Nation

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WTF that is so fucking weird its disgusting. The cover makes me not want to listen to this single.
Cythraul, your hair has really grown since the fish incident.

Yeah, it feels like it grows really fast. I just need it to be long again. That fish incident was a wild night in my life.

The Ozzman said:
Ladies and Gents,

Cythraul's chick is an example of a hot Asian. Take note before posting any more pics of Asian chicks, please.

You and I have excellent taste in women. :cool:
...And you're a fucking faggot, Hell Mike (hehe), thanks for your fucking reminder.