The pics thread

Yeah I do that a lot. I'm still waiting for the year I forget about my own birthday, then check my cell phone at the end of the day after having left it off and wonder why I got all these calls from my relatives.
Seriously the bitch had the sharpest teeth ever,

My girlfriend for some reason will shake her head back and forth when she bites me (not my dick) ... but on the neck or the shoulder... that hurts like fuck and it'll bruise or break skin. So yea... If I feel teeth any more I usually pull away. :erk:
Old but relevant to today:


:lol: thats hilarious, but shouldnt you folks be mourning and all and not saying merry jihad instead
Meh, the internet causes people to become desensitized to tragedy and allow them to find humor in it. I'm sure many Americans are mourning today.
Devasya Chāyā;8540453 said:
Meh, the internet causes people to become desensitized to tragedy and allow them to find humor in it. I'm sure many Americans are mourning today.


If you wanna laugh at tragedy, at least don't do it on the anniversary of the day that such a terrible event occurred.
Behind a computer screen I can laugh at that. Only people who spend way too much time on the internet and/or let it get to them too much laugh at it in real life.
Devasya Chāyā;8540722 said:
Behind a computer screen I can laugh at that. Only people who spend way too much time on the internet and/or let it get to them too much laugh at it in real life.

Yeah... I definitely don't do that.

My facebook friendlist showed me they rule again. I was drunk last night and posted "HAPPY 11/9 EVERYONE!" and posted that picture. I got a bunch of likes, and a few people posted other ones.
Well, never, but if you're the type of person that's gonna laugh at something like that, you should at least show some respect on the anniversary.

If it really bothers you that much, take it up with the site admin or just put us on ignore. People post all kinds of off-color humor here, and most of us recognise that it's just humor and does not constitute a personal attack on anyone.