The pics thread

A black widow I found in my garbage bin:




In case it's hard to tell from the distance of the shots, that spider's actually pretty small. Like, its abdomen is barely larger than a pea.

Anyway, I thought it was pretty cool since I don't think I've ever seen a black widow in person before. She even managed to hang on to the bin while the trash man was emptying it into the truck this morning, so now I kinda have extra respect for her. :)
Looks bigger than it really was...while we're on the topic of spiders, check out CAMEL SPIDERS! Soldiers in Iraq have been known to run from these (except for this crazy guy)

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A friend of mine recently bought a tarantula. It's really small right now (like a strawberry), but it'll grow to become one big nasty spider, and that's when I'll stop visiting him.
Spiders freak me the fuck out.

Now to even the freaky spiders I'll bring back the memories of Stacy Keibler's ass.
It's like the picture of Billy Mays in your sig sees that ass and approves. Creeps me out way more than the spider.