The pics thread

I just found out about lamebook recently, but I've been screenshotting my own facebook for months now. Mostly I just have stupid ads, but I do have some lamebook worthy stuff as well.

I ended up not posting this, because I wasn't sure if she would see the humor.



This girl friended me over a year ago, but I've never met her. She's married.


This girl was my next door neighbor for a year.


Not a troll, but I thought it was funny. This girl is an idiot in real life, too.

She's pretty thin.

Also, yes she rules immensely. Cheers for the rec Evil?, just had a listen to a track on youtube. Sounds rather great.
What is an in person?

I think it's like an 'it' girl. Not Information Communication, 'it'.

Some upper class (in the British sense, her parents have some kind of estate and servants etc) bitch who goes to parties full of celebrities and has orgies with some of them. They like getting in the trashy newspapers and magazines.
BlackMetalWhiteGuy: I would just like to say that attempting to cleverly point out that you're "above" such mindless things as sports in the midst of everybody else celebrating a sporting achievement just makes you a fucking douchebag and not some cultural elite.