The pics thread

He had horizontal lines for eyes, it was an easy mistake to make

You know, that reminded me of something a friend of mine told me. My girlfriend is asian, that's pretty well known. And I have a good buddy who is arguably the largest asian guy I've ever met. He's just naturally muscular not the stereotypical nerdy asian guy with glasses. But anyways, he was bsing with me on the phone one day and Ashley was being a nerd and yelling stuff in the background and he was like "Tell her to shut the hell up or I'm gonna tie her up and blindfold her with dental floss." I don't know why, but it was fucking hilarious when he said it. What made it even funnier was my girlfriend didn't get it at first and gave you one of those "eh?" looks. It eventually clicked and we laughed pretty damn hard.
this is the pics thread so i thought i'd post some pics i just got from my vacations to Jamaica/Maryland




(The house i stayed in)


(talking to someone, my cousin took it)
^lol yea i did cause everyone thinks im a guy and idk it kinda bugged me
i guess i am very man-like:lol: