The pics thread

God I have to look at that shit every single fucking day.

It's still funny though. Especially the misspellings of "hamburger" I got on my worksheets today - "humburger," "hambaagar," "hombogo," the possibilities are endless
No, it was definitely supposed to be "hamburger." I don't get it though, even if you just romanize the Japanese word it's still got ZERO "O"s in it.

They also butchered "KRAMPUS" despite it being written out for them. Got KRUNTUS, KRUMPAS, KROMPS....

I feel compelled to point out that it's entirely possible to (1) have a girlfriend, (2) not be a frustrated virgin, and (3) find that chick that belligerent posted totally unattractive, all at the same time. She looks like she has to wash her face with turpentine. I think she is totally gross. Sometimes these things have to do with differing preferences rather than with high or low standards. God forbid somebody doesn't have the taste for a stereotypically "hot" chick.

And not to be creepy, but Krampus is very cute.
Well, I am dating a Chinese girl, so yeah...but I'd give the same compliment even if I weren't a creep.