The pics thread

man I can't see any of these through the work internet filter but I am totally going to go home and judge all of you based on your appearances later.

Then a picture of myself is probably in order.

This was taken a few years back. I've been working out a bit lately and wish I had a more recent pic, but I think I looked alright back then.
Kramp, if you were working here in one of these Asian shops that are everywhere I'd be buying beer there. Which is a compliment of some sort.
vihris are you Armenian?

No, though I think a lot of my paternal lineage (the Jewish side) comes from Eastern Europe. But then it's mixed with 'Southern American' genes on my mom's side, so instead of looking authentically Jewish or authentically 'Southern' I just looking fucking strange. :lol: :erk:
I've got some big cheesy reflective aviators and a leather jacket. I might have to get someone to take a picture of me in them to annoy you lot.