The pics thread

Silence, I signed up for these forums before you'd started to grow nosehair

I left in May because my main computer crashed, and I kind of forgot/didn't really bother to check out the GMD forum when on my back-up computer, because I thought it had started to suck due to a lot of the new posters being shit (Dave etc).

You don't seem half bad though so just refrain from slagging off the best posters and we're cool

Edit: Yeah sorry Nec/Dodens, you obviously should've been on my list

We've done a little work on the Dave problem since you've been gone (click the link at the bottom of my sig). You wouldn't believe how bad it got...

He seems to have learned his place for the moment, though. :cool:

edit: Btw, why should I refrain from slagging off the old farts when you obviously have no problem doing it with the newer guys? Montu's awesome.
Mathiäs;6491731 said:
I don't think I've had any sort of relations with him either. Weird.

Yeah - judging by his post count, you've probably spent more time actually on the site than he has. Some pompous old elitist fart he is. :Smug:
"Mom made spaghetti tonight!!! BLEHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

:lol: i just saw this haha reminds me of Wedding Crashers:

Yeah, =)
I'm 4 there.

Here's me being supah-sexy 5 years old chick. (My hair has grown pretty fast during one year).