The pics thread

^I can't get over what a Renaissance man you are, really. It's....astonishing to me. How perceptive, clever and intelligent you are.


edit: Dave, you're pouting. And they're ugly shaped like that tbh. Also, you have womenz eyelashes.
Google is your friend.


Personally, the other ostrich cracks me up a lot more though. :)

I have a friend that looks like this ostrich.

Fuck that shit, there's more of us than there are of you. Your fragile elitism and claims to authority are just a thin facade masking how much of a giant forum dork you actually are to have been here for 4+ years.

Cunteth off, almost all of the good posters have been here for ages: Hell Mike, Crimson, Erik, Reign In Acai, etc
Cunteth off, almost all of the good posters have been here for ages: Hell Mike, Crimson, Erik, Reign In Acai, etc

Wow, way to bring that one back from the grave...

And you're still a pompous elitist, mister whoever-you-are. :p

When's the last time you've even posted here? I've never seen you before.
Wow, way to bring that one back from the grave...

And you're still a pompous elitist, mister whoever-you-are. :p

When's the last time you've even posted here? I've never seen you before.

Silence, I signed up for these forums before you'd started to grow nosehair

I left in May because my main computer crashed, and I kind of forgot/didn't really bother to check out the GMD forum when on my back-up computer, because I thought it had started to suck due to a lot of the new posters being shit (Dave etc).

You don't seem half bad though so just refrain from slagging off the best posters and we're cool

Edit: Yeah sorry Nec/Dodens, you obviously should've been on my list