The pics thread

I'm not "straight edge," I don't even know what that stupid shit means, but I don't drink. I don't give a shit that people do, I just don't do it myself. But I do have long hair (too fucking long) and facial hair, so 2 out of 3 = win in my book.
If it were an obvious typo, I wouldn't have said anything. But when I see people spelling "definitely" wrong, it makes me ANGRY.
Actually, that's a common typo.

Let me reword that. If it were a isolated slip-up as opposed to simply not knowing how to spell something, I would have ignored it.

Well, you're right, but you could have just said it nicely. Who am I kidding? This the social forum. No one's going to be nice; they just flame the shit out of each other.

...Oh wait a minute. Nice. Yeah, I'll work on that one. :oops:

So, since I didn't ask nicely, does that mean you're going to continue saying "definetly" just to spite me? :)

relax grammar nazi