The pics thread

Here's where I was yesterday:




I'll be going to Soundwave on Monday, and it's ganna be fucking awesome.

It was heaps of fun. Slayer were fucking awesome, first time I've been in a pit in a long long time. God Maiden sucked though. They played about 90% post 1990. We didn't stay to watch the end. I'm spewing I didn't go watch the Melvins instead. I saw them the night before with Primus at their sideshow but from all accounts their Soundwave set was better.
OH MAN. Last night I had this dream I went to this warehouse garage sale type thing and they had all of these huge old pianos and organs and in the middle of the room was this giant Moog synthesizer from the 70s. It was awesome. I of course had to play it and make obscene amounts of noise. My german professor was there, and he was not happy because I was interrupting his stories