The pics thread

Not as good as when Sadistik Exekution appeared on a kids show here.

lolwut? Why did I not hear about this?

Haha, regarding that clip Hubster posted. Not really tech death, but still awesome and sad at the same time plus the Kiwi accent is amazing. Half the time we get kids or adults try to headbang to our shit and they give up after so many changes in tempo and time signature and decide to walk away, or stand there completely frozen. Who knows? They probably think my band's stuff is shit.

"Tichnikil dith mituhl"
After watching only a bit of that clip, I keep repeating the phrase "tichnicle dith mitil" to myself. I can't take anyone who talks like that seriously.
I remember watching a Manowar video where they were on a kids show.

I'm still confused why metal bands went on them.
I was looking up more hyper-realist sculptors when I came across this man named Peter Jansen.
He needs computer algorithms to ease the modelling process.. he's having the lab up here in france (the one that i work at) design it for him. I'm working on that this summer :)

What a coincidence that him and these works just got mentioned. :)
Yeah same here, I don't get it. Isn't that just a scene from the last movie?