The pics thread

He often licks his face and sometimes he has open mouth if he breaths heavily. Mostly he just checks on me so I don’t do any bullshit with our lady. Like this:


My new profile picture on Facebook, when we’re at it:


This is horse chick’s dog, if you’re into dogs.

Based on a quick google search, the Czech republic is about the same latitude as some of the more northern parts of Canada.

But yeah, it's been warm as hell lately. I walked home from work in a t shirt even after it had rained for hours.
zabu of nΩd;10118048 said:
Is this recent? I'm curious if any parts of Europe have been exceptionally warm lately, given how the weather in the U.S. has been.

That was taken 10 days ago, but in the north of Czech. There are some hills and shit. However, the picture with the dog outside was taken like two days back and that‘s in Prague. There SHOULD be snow here already. The weather here looks like spring/summer, just cold as shit.
zabu of nΩd;10118048 said:
Is this recent? I'm curious if any parts of Europe have been exceptionally warm lately, given how the weather in the U.S. has been.

The weather in Sweden has been mild for the season. Alot warmer than the past two years but those were extremely cold (coldest in years and years). Last year we had a whopping -19 degrees on December 23rd in the Stockholm area. This year it looks to be on or slightly above 0 degrees.