The pics thread

I haz a furry face now. Been growing for a few weeks.


I don't know any smooth way to go about this, so I'll just be direct...

You wanna, like, do something sometime? Cuz you gotta purty mouth.
I don't care about seeing Morbid Angel because the new album, coupled so many things they've said in recent times, completely nullifies what the first two albums stood for. The adamant ideals of Blessed are the Sick and the genuinely malevolent spirit of Altars of Madness are nowhere to be found in this incarnation of Morbid Angel; I feel like seeing their performance will be like watching a cover band or something to that effect. I'll respect their new direction when they fucking man up to the pledge of doing what they want to without regards to anyone but themselves by playing the more "unorthodox" songs like "Destructos vs. the Earth" and "Radikult" live, since they seem to think they're treading new artistic ground with tracks like those but won't seem to play them.

The only reason I care so much is because the first two albums have genuinely influenced me in a number of ways. They're dearly important to me, and I find the band's continuation in its current state to be a blatant effrontery to its (once) great legacy.
I saw MA when what's-his-face was the frontman and David Vincent was gothing out with the Genitorturers. It was a great show; IIRC MA was touring for Gateways. I think every album up to GTA was perfectly worthy, and I especially don't get the hate for Covenant and Domination.