The pics thread

Me at Warped last Saturday in Montreal.

How greasy of a character do I look, on a scale of 1 - 10?

I'm teaching for the Maine Upward Bound program this summer and it's Spirit Week. Tuesday we were encouraged to dress up as a fictional or historical character. So I decided to blur the line between the two and dress as Oedipus.

Yes that's an Event Horizon reference.



"I <3 Mom" in Greek.

I met my first ever forum goer at the Maiden/Cooper show last night. Met up with KMADD (regular over on old school forum; used to post here semi-regularly) between Cooper and Maiden sets. I'm on the left.

That was a good time. Free show, free beer, meeting you and hanging with some local indy metalheads and punk rock peeps i havent seen in a while and when Maiden started playing free jack and diets and a 24 oz can of beer yeah i was feeling it yesterday at work hahhaha.
Yeah, my friend invited me to the show cause his girlfriend had to work overtime. He runs three karma record stores in indpls. Initially when we got there they didnt have any green room wristbands but one of his bosses went in there and grabbed me a beer. So the bartender at the deck karma records had kept refilling me for free i had like 4 of them and then shit hit the fan when maiden started playing she was like okay drinks are free as long i get tipped so i had a crown and diet and then about 3 more jack and diets and then some dude gave me a 24oz can of miller lite yeah i was pretty smashed luckily he didnt drink and he drove us back to indy.
Dude, Event Horizon scared the shit out of me when I first saw it. Too bad the director's cut version is lost now.

Fuck yeah, I still get chills at some parts of it. Really, that whole video they find is just horrific. And not because of the visuals, but because of what it implies is going on. One of my favorites for sure.

I looked up Event Horizon video log in Google images, and this was on the first page:
