The pics thread

How do you know for sure?

I might wear the diva cup.

Either way, better than shoving those little daggers in my poon. :cry:

edit: This reminds me of a funny story. You'll probably think it's me but it's not it was my best childhood friend (Matthew knows who this is) and she once left a tampon in her vagina and forgot it was there. A few days later she remembered somehow (don't ask me how...) and went to find it but the string had gone up there too and she couldn't even reach the tampon I think it went up into her cervix when it was ripe, and then the cervix came down and closed up or something, around the tampon, so she couldn't reach it. She freaked for a few days while I told her over andover just go to the doctor. So she finally did. She laid on the examining table, he reached up in there with some sort of tampon-removal tool and out itcame with all sorts of blood, dead cells, black junk and other such things maybe some loose change.

So the moral of the story----- Don't be a fool wear a pad even in the pool.
