The pics thread

Hahah, coincidentally, these stairs are about 10 meters away from where I took the picture few posts above. Then I went down to the city as well. There's no snow at the moment though and I don't think there's going to be any this winter.

Hah. Small photographic world I guess.
Hahah, coincidentally, these stairs are about 10 meters away from where I took the picture few posts above. Then I went down to the city as well. There's no snow at the moment though and I don't think there's going to be any this winter.

I was going to ask if that was Prague.
My friend helped me make a Pathfinder character. I am now Viro the Barbarian.

Post your stats, fgt!

Upload the damn character sheet..

I should really upload the one I made for my fighter. Dude is badass.

Tiefling Brawler named Marten Drakefire. Dual wielding battleaxes (one fire damage and one cold damage). By far my favorite to RP and play..
I'd like to play d&d or something similar- I'm itching to play a tactical dwarven shield fighter with shield bashes, flanking, disarms and whatnot...
Sounds great but I only play on my ps4 mainly cause don't have a PC anymore, only an iPad.I do miss playing WoW though, I started playing Divinity Original Sin recently but it's quite involved and is a bit hard for me to get into ATM.Even with WoW I would've been screwed without online friends to help me out with the game.
Sounds great but I only play on my ps4 mainly cause don't have a PC anymore, only an iPad.I do miss playing WoW though, I started playing Divinity Original Sin recently but it's quite involved and is a bit hard for me to get into ATM.Even with WoW I would've been screwed without online friends to help me out with the game.

Could not get into WoW at all. My brothers-in-law set me up with an account and I got bored within weeks. I'd rather do something like Skyrim or Dragon Age. WoW seemed to be more 'Go do meaningless shit to level up' to me
WoW was my first experience with online gaming and I'll never forget the first night I got on there. A friend from work and myself both chose to be gnomes and neither of us had ever played any game online. Right at the starting area we spotted a female gnome and ran up to her and unbelievably she ran off and we chased her through the bush for about 15 mins...I was literally in tears but apart from that you're right although for a few months it was quite enjoyable.
I was in Prague Botanical Garden's wineyard today (yes, in freezing fucking winter, it was a school excursion). Here's my picture for today, it's the view from the wineyard.

trojsky zamek.jpg
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Me and Addo drunk at a Midnight show a month ago. I love this picture.
