The pics thread

Nice sweater.

thanks...I got it in Ireland

unknown, I think you look like Christopher Guest. I also like your goatee :kickass:

Christopher Guest? Interesting. yeah, my goatee gets a lot of comments. Before it was my long curly hair. Shave the hair off, and the goatee becomes the object of attention.

If I go bald, then I'll be "the bald guy". goddammit.
thanks...I got it in Ireland

Christopher Guest? Interesting. yeah, my goatee gets a lot of comments. Before it was my long curly hair. Shave the hair off, and the goatee becomes the object of attention.

If I go bald, then I'll be "the bald guy". goddammit.

Looks like you imo
I can see your deleted posts, btw dave. I know you're impressed

CC: I thought you meant Christopher Guest as in Spinal Tap Christopher Guest...or are they the same person?
See, what I've heard is that if your shoes are off, then you are considered a guest and they can't write on you, but if your shoes are on, then you decided to be an inconsiderate bastard and you were fair game in terms of being used as a whiteboard.

One of the few things I learned as a pledge for a frat before dropping out due to the stupidity of it all.

You pledged to a fraternity once? I'm in one of those. What kind of frat did you pledge to?