The pics thread

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I dont really like trimming my beard either. IMO a beard isn't a fashion statement, so scissors and clippers should be kept away. And then you have all those faggots who buy and put scented oils and whatnot in their beards. I bet those guys also shave their legs and trim their chest hair.
I had a goatee and long sideburns for like 20 years and it involved a lot of shaving the area between the two and keeping the shape of the sideburns correct. Having a full beard is so much easier. I trim the moustache as soon as it starts growing over my lip though because I can't stand it getting in my food and my wife hates it. I trim my beard every 3 or 4 weeks or something or I start looking like a homeless person and I have to deal with customers every day so it's not a great look.
Also in the "I hate shaving club". Also part of the wolfman club. I'll shave once a week, within 2 days I'm looking pretty rough. By day 6 Charles Manson looking fucker. Work in construction so looking like a rough lowlife isn't a big deal. Its almost mandatory. We see a clean cut looking guy show up on the job, we know something's not right....
I used to rock a handlebar and lambchops as a youngin' myself so I have done the whole shaving constantly thing. I got lazy as fuck, plus I work for myself so my appearance is more free for choices.

I trim the moustache as soon as it starts growing over my lip though

Oh shit yeah definitely this. Also when my beard was long it would dip into food and catch any food or drink that didn't quite make it into my mouth which was a pain in the ass.