The pics thread

Over 98% of abortions occur before the fetus has any remote chance of surviving outside the womb.
this is why i'm partially why i'm pro-abortion
the other reason is that i believe in the concept of mandatory abortion
some fetuses just simply should not be allowed to become people
Anyway I think we can meet in the middle and agree that any of the legion of bus stop crackwhores Blurry impregnates should be given full access to abortion services. Last thing we need is more of his DNA out there.
i agree with this
the women who want me to impregnate them are totally batshit crazy

Dude, was cold as fuck today in Prague. We don't get snow this early but I was like whoa in the morning.

Also, drove my dad's car to return it to him and had the A/C on instead of heating and kept turning it up and up and it tried harder and harder and my hands were freezing before I found out that the A/C control light is on so it's just blowing freezing air on my bare hands, fuuuuuck me. :rofl: