The pics thread

I don't think I've ever put a picture of myself up. Here it goes:

I am not actually that pale.
Dave often wanted to know if Ender considered him hot. It was mostly sad
I know, that's what I was joking about...
i thought you were a chic
Why? How? I always thought of myself as fairly masculine...I thought my posting in the Beard thread would have cleared that up.

she's being witty

also we don't know if she's female

I thought it was spelled chick as well
It is.

Krig tbh.


O shit.
That's intense. Nice.
Why? How? I always thought of myself as fairly masculine...I thought my posting in the Beard thread would have cleared that up.

cuz i think of in flames as kind of a chic metal band. no offense to you ofcourse. i just see in flames and think female

i dont think i ever went to the beard thread. unlike some people, i dont have an obsessive compulsive issue which requires me to read EVERY new post
hm...I thought you started that thread...must have been someone else.
Anyhow, IF having a mainly female fanbase? Dunno where that comes from. Bodom is the only metal band I can think of with a significant number of female fans.
chic means 'cool' or 'hip'
chica is spanish for 'girl'
chick is the Americanized version of chica

This. "Tres chic" means very fashionable in French. As for chick coming from chica, I never really thought about that, but I did theorize that it may have come from the British slang for women, "bird," because "chicks" are baby chickens which are "birds."