The pics thread



I just watched that movie the other day :lol:

Christian Bale is sex.
Greys, you need to try harder. That one makes you look like a lame version of Kurt Cobain, something I didn't think was possible.
When were you Toronto? Certainly you must have left before has to get a lot colder than 7. Here in Ottawa we had a couple times in the -30s last winter...and it felt a lot worse with the wind sometimes. It's always fun when you walk outside 10 minutes and you feel like your face is burning from the cold. :erk:
I was there from September through the beginning of May so I was definitely there for the winter. It very well might've been colder a few days but I don't remember it going below single digits F/negative teens C. We got a ton of snow though
I'm here for quite a long time now and I know how most of you guys look like so I thought I'd post a photo of me too.. It's few days back here on the hill..
