The pics thread

We need more cat pictures.

Dammit, one of my coworkers blocked a shitload of websites on the company LAN recently (incl. Photobucket), so now I can't see half of the pictures on the forums while I'm at work.
Nice cats Zeph. I should take a picture of mine. Apparently its related to some type of American wild cat. And its endangered from interbreeding with domestic species.
I'll post a picture of my cat if he comes back home tonight. He's really rough looking tomcat with his gear intact so he's one of the scratchy bitey ones. Black with a white spot like he's wearing a tux. He's almost a longcat as well.
My orange cat has a varied dialect. He goes from a short "Mraump" to a drawn out "Mrooown" and often goes "Brrrrrau".

My tabby cat has a standard soprano meow but when you squeeze her or pick her up she squeaks. Hence her nickname is "Squeaky Kitty."