The pics thread

We need more cat pictures.


indeed we do
i have a gay ass chihuaua who was raised around cats so he tries to clean himself like a cat so he actually makes himself smell like his breath and he won't stop shitting everywhere. thats why i like cats a little more, they don't need training and they don't smell like ass


The black one is Mom's dog, the little white dude is mine. He'll be staying here once I move out again because these two pups are best pals. Girl pup would be very sad without lil whitey.
When I was in Colombia me and my Mom were walking through the streets of Barranquilla and we saw some lady with new puppies. I think she was an old friend of my mom or something. But the puppies looked like that dog up there. The lady had a little girl and one of the dogs threw up on her. It was funny.