The pics thread

nice pics gr. and I'm impressed you can carry off black socks. few men can...

i once hiked 17 miles up a mountain to cascade lake in wyoming. I was fucking dying. It's going down that really hurts - your knees and feet just fucking ache with every step.
I had to do 20 for a merit badge iirc.

Some day I plan to do an extended, several day hike that will be super fucking awesome. I need super fucking awesome people to go with me though.
I had to do 20 for a merit badge iirc.

Some day I plan to do an extended, several day hike that will be super fucking awesome. I need super fucking awesome people to go with me though.
I did a 2 day hike with my dad in wyoming once. I was way too young, though, and I kinda hated it.

No, but it's 20 miles regardless. The most I've done up a mountain (Smoky Mountains) is 10
okay, that doesn't count - going up a mountain is vastly harder than hiking in the woods. 20 is nothing to sneeze at, of course, but even 13 up a mountain is way harder than 20 flat.
I walked for five hours straight through downtown Boston on Saturday. Given the level of pollution, I'd say the oxygen levels are about equal to high altitude climbs.
I did a 2 day hike with my dad in wyoming once. I was way too young, though, and I kinda hated it.

okay, that doesn't count - going up a mountain is vastly harder than hiking in the woods. 20 is nothing to sneeze at, of course, but even 13 up a mountain is way harder than 20 flat.

Hiking 20 miles counts even if it isn't up a mountain you cock
I walked home drunk from a party a couple years ago. It was 9 miles in January, 20 degrees outside, from midnight to 5am. :cool: Longest walk of my life so far, but I'd like to do some serious hiking at some point.