The pics thread



I got some hairs cut today

Do you really hate the haircut or are you just gr1m as fvck?

Jk, it's the brows and the beard.
Were you a marine?
That would make you at least 10% more badass in my eyes. If you killed a man with a knife it goes up to 930%.
so was mine.
he was a medic. he was about a half a mile behind the lines on d-day. 3/4s of the patients died before they even made it on the table and shit.

It occurs to me that nothing is more hardcore than being a medic, because people are shooting and instead of shooting back you're going to people who have been blown apart and trying to put them back together.
My grandfather took out a machine gun nest full of krauts by himself with some grenades and a rifle.

He got the Silver Star

I wish I could have heard the story straight from his mouth before he died :/
Because they're often first hand depictions of acts of incredible bravery or just general fucking upedness against a nation/s you've been predesigned to despise because of said wars?

This. My grandpa got two purple hearts as well. He was a bit of a badass.

He got some shrapnel in his back from when krauts commandeered a mortar cannon and opened fire on his platoon.

New hairscut looks good, Ozz. :cool:
