The pics thread

There has to be some black metal band that's used at least one of these paintings at one point or another.

I think Mortiis used this one. Not Black Metal but close enough.
I thought I'd post some pictures of my beautiful awesome country I've made few weeks back in the morning so you'd all move here and we can shoot a porn. In my country. Of awesome.

A path of awesome:

Hillside of awesome:

Tree of awesome:

Leaves of destiny and absolute awesomeness:

This is the same path as in picture 1 so it's double awesome.

Thanks for the envy.
More pics of Praha.

It's a shame I don't have much pictures of Prague, these I posted are from Krkonoše, which is near the borders with poland (north). Tell me next time you're here in Prague, I'll take you to the best pubs ever and I'll show you a metal cds secondhand where various rare firstpresses are being sold.