The pics thread

Kil, you're wrong. You can see in the first pic that the 'gigantic square thing' slots perfectly into four sections of the tower plus the top angled section. In the third pic you can see that the tracks of the excavator lock into the other custom built sections of the tower, allowing it to lean and sit as the scoop/square thing slots into the next highest section. No magnets would be required, it would rely solely on gravity, the skill of the driver and the strength of the hydraulic arm to be able to climb the tower as shown. It wouldn't surprise me at all if it was real.

:oops: I concede. I didn't notice how perfectly the slots were made.

Looks familiar...

So on the way home from school, I saw this car coming up from behind me, and the only thing that I could immediately discern about it was that it had four flags waving from the windows. I thought to myself, "man, if those are fucking country flags, or fucking sports team flags, I'm going to be pissed the fuck off." So he gets up behind me, and I can't really tell what they say. Then he pulls up to the side of me: they're Jesus flags. Jesus Saves, Jesus Is The Savior, etc. And not only that. All of the doors and the rear of the car were covered with Christian bumper stickers. I've honestly never seen anything quite like this. Some of them referred to some type of Jesus Militia. I actually couldn't stop myself from saying "oh, fuck you" out loud, and I know that I said it more than once.

It occurred to me once I got home, though, that I would have been annoyed no matter what the flags were.
My favourite is the one in bottom right:

My life before Jesus: :( My life after Jesus: :) Any questions?