The pics thread

I like how everybody here pretends I am small little nothing :rolleyes:

I am 5'11' 210 in that pic, most of the posters here are either 120 LBs skinny or 200 pounds fat

seriously, unless you look like this, stop talking shit :rolleyes:


my pals.
Dude, V5 would fucking drop Dave in less than 5 seconds and he's not a big dude.

2 guys with no significant (or equal) fighting skills/experience fighting

the guy with the significant size/strength advantage wins almost everytime. Sorry

Not necessarily. You have to factor rage into it as well. I'm pretty sure I have a lot more rage than you do. That can amount to a lot in a fight. You also have to factor in agility, speed, strategy (yes, I would imagine there's some form of strategy going on in a fight) and ruthlessness. Strength alone doesn't win, Dave. You are a fucking idiot to think otherwise.
maybe if he had a shotgun or an ak47. Otherwise, you are just talking out of your ass. I would tackle V5 to the ground and then just use pure power and force to literally crush him.
hahahaha, tackle him, as you go and put your head low enough he throws out his knee and knocks you out before you even had a chance to think about it. Grow the fuck up.
It only takes one hit.