The pissing on Peter Tagtgren that's going on in here is getting annoying

I like Tagtgren, it's just that when Tagtgren was officially out, well, who in the hell do you think most people would want behind the mic?

I am a huge fan of Peter's work in both Hypocrisy and Bloodbath, and I don't think anyone can touch his style.

HOWEVER. I do think Mike is better.

And yes, being a Jerkoff is part of my job description in the Katatonia forums. Glad I'm doing my job.
For me, Peter Tagtgren is my fav person in metal. Everything he does is gold. I think his style fits NMF much better than if Mikael were on that record. With that said, i dont think Peter would have fit RTC. I guess i have a bias towards Peter unlike most on this forum.
Feicht said:
mikael is my favourite singer, but its retarded to see on some of these boards how kids are saying tagtgren sucks, long live mikael, etc. peter tagtgren is an amazing vocalist, and i think he has even more range than mike in the harsh vocals department, though i like mikes clean vox alot better.
Fag! It's not that Tagtren has a higher range than mikael, It's just that mikael doesn't squeal like a cof-loving emo pussy faggot like tagtren, lmao..

Mikael is much more brutal than Peter, peter is like waltzing through a field full of flowerz plucking daisys for his woman... Mike gets straight to the point and pops out a baby.. :D See what I mean? :D
HA HA! This thread is awesome, makes me laugh.
Cant people accept that they have different styles, they arent nesseseraly better or worse. People just have different opinions, arguing isnt going to change peoples views. It just gives me a please continue, theres some classic bitching.
One Winged Angel said:
Peter's penis rapes Mikael's vagina.

Considering that Mike has fathered a child whereas Peter hasn't, I am bold in saying that Mike has proven the existence of his penis and testicles whereas Peter has not.