The pissing on Peter Tagtgren that's going on in here is getting annoying

while we're on the subject of peter t, i wanted to ask those who know...i have hypocrisy's s/t, into the abyss, and the arrival, and i don't really find the latter two to be real extraordinary but i love the s/t. are the earlier albums in that vein or something different entirely? thx guys.
Get The Fourth Dimension, it's my favorite, but they are all good. The first two albums(Penetralia, Osculum Obscenum) have Masse on vocals and Peter is just doing guitar, but they are also good. The Fourth Dimension and The Final Chapter = ownage.
That whole debate reminds of me of some attitude people have towards Metallica & Megadeth hehe

Anyway, personnaly I think they're equally talented growlers. But I had the feeling that Peter tried to sound different from the voice he used on Hypocrisy's albums..and also not trying to emulate Mike's voice neither. 'Cause I'm pretty sure he could have acheived what Mike did on RTC, if he had planned to do that in the first place. Just the impression I had...cause he does sing more closely to what Mike sounded like on RTC, on Hypocrisy's albums, than what he did on NMF.

In the end, I also thought Mike was THE singer for Bloodbath. And now with the obvious's hard to get that out of some people's head (like mine).

Speaking of live's real hard to beat Tagtgren. But Mike pwns also.... Guess I really can't decide. haha
Pete rulez! Nightmares is the best Bloodbath album! and I think Pete did better than Mike on vocals. I would rather have Pete In Bloodbath anyway hes more metal and one hell of a producer.
Nobody is more metal, but Nightmares Made Flesh is my favorite death metal album of all time, and Peter helped make that happen.
Sune Im sorry if I offended your hero, but thats just my Opinion live with it or don't. I feel Bloodbath is heavier than Opeth, and I believe they are more metal. Opeth is great, but I dont get murderous feelings from Opeth like I do from Bloodbath.
thats because Opeth have more progressive tendencies, they strive on creating atmosphere's and moods that are a bit softer than the likes of band like Bloodbath and are by default less likely to make you feel murderous.....
Dude, I wasn't offended, I just find it stupid.

"I feel Bloodbath is heavier than Opeth, and I believe they are more metal."

Dude, Mikael used to be in Bloodbath, so what's your point really?

And oh yeah, Pain is more metal than Opeth, sure :Smug:
If you scroll up and read what alteredmindeath said you would know, put I'll post it then;

"Pete rulez! Nightmares is the best Bloodbath album! and I think Pete did better than Mike on vocals. I would rather have Pete In Bloodbath anyway hes more metal and one hell of a producer."

That was what I responded to. I also think it is something stupid to say.
Stop calling that dude 'the almighty'. It sounds stupid. As in: I don't have a life, i don't believe in God and I'm 14. He rules, no doubt, but to actually call him that...
Just wanted to say that. The dude has a name...although I forgot what it was....I'll just call him That Dude.
Heavenscent said:
Stop calling that dude 'the almighty'. It sounds stupid. As in: I don't have a life, i don't believe in God and I'm 14. He rules, no doubt, but to actually call him that...
Just wanted to say that. The dude has a name...although I forgot what it was....I'll just call him That Dude.
Thank you. Except for one part: there's only one Dude.
