the pleats saga


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
* purchased a pair of $60 pants for school at the Mens' Wearhouse

* took them to a tailor to have them hemmed

* found out they were pleated, and that pleated is apparently bad

* got the pants back. snipped out the hems. ironed out the creases. preparing to return them with my receipt to a different Mens' Wearhouse

* noticed that there are small cuts (less than a centimeter) in the legs of the pants--my daughter-of-a-seamstress coworker says that tailors always do that to prevent bunching, so these were PROBABLY not there when i bought them.

soooo should i bring them back anyway and lie and say they weren't altered? will they notice the cuts--is that what they look for--and call me out to my face??

or should i go back to the tailor and be like "hi nice job, can you RE-hem these because, um, i decided to snip them out?"
i'm not very suave. i think i might talk about how i bought them for my "partner" so they get (hopefully) weirded out by the gayness and just hurriedly shove the money at me so i'll get out of their store.
fold them so that they are perfectly flat and just HAND them the receipt first then the pants (in a bag, folded) then they'll probably not notice.
i actually crumpled them a little bit so they would ascribe any faint remainders of hem-creases to that, but now they're flat in the ORIGINAL men's wearhouse bag. i'll give them the receipt first, that's a good idea!

p.s. this is your fault!
alex, you know, perhaps it is my fault BUT, it would have also been my fault if you'd been traipsing around the greater boston area looking like you had a deformed puffy front crotch area:


seriously look at the difference:


the pleats would have given you GIRL HIPS
do you still have the tags? i guess it depends from store to store. maybe you should call?
p.s. if you can't return those pants and DARE to wear them i am sending these guys out to get you:

I am probably going to catch hell for this but I really don't have a problem with pleated dress pants. I own several pairs and I think they look fine.
I should add here that I just spent the better part of 5 minutes trying to explain to gekko why pleats are bad, and I showed him examples of non-pleated dress pants and everything, and he still doesn't get it.
Thats your call, but wouldn't a bowtie be an equally contrary and not quite so texan a choice.
hey, feel free to live in the delusion of your pleated pants hell pal. i dont give a shit.

i DO care if alex suffers. but i mean, i don't even know *you*.
The other kind is fine too. They frankly don't look all that different to me.
They look very different, and I pointed out the difference in the side-by-side picture above and he still didn't get it. I did all I can do though, y'know? The rest is up to him.
well all that's left to do is wince when he wears them and give girls that are laughing an assured NOD that you are 'with them'.
my co-worker just said that pleats help to hide your gut and that some people watch a lot of "queer eye" in which "Parsley Cressman" disparages anyone who doesn't spend 3 hours per day at the gym and have a perfectly flat belly and that that's why he hates pleats.