The Post-Download "Argh me voice/neck/feet/etc" Thread

If only you knew how much the first sentence makes me giggle despite the fact I can't remember the rest of the joke.

Whereas I have to work tomorrow and sunday...pretending to be interested in what strange men say about ducks & geese.
Turisas outfit ftw
x x x
If only you knew how much the first sentence makes me giggle despite the fact I can't remember the rest of the joke.

Whereas I have to work tomorrow and sunday...pretending to be interested in what strange men say about ducks & geese.
Turisas outfit ftw
x x x


hahaha sounds like an interesting job you've got there :p

oh yes! although it may rain tonight so i don't think i'm gonna wear it..

and damnit!!!! alestorm are playing HRH this year! NOT FAIR! I'm not going this year :(
I'm not going either...its in Wales!
I was bad enough having to go to minehead that took forever.

Just think, if it does rain the water will run off your furs rather than soak in. I had fun prancing around in my skirt, blowing my horn yesterday ;)
I'm training my cats to come to me when they hear it:p
minehead was 265 miles from me... i think this one's only 150, still, line up's rather pish so won't be going... unless i blag free tickets again :)

haha no, just remembered the place we're going after the meal has proper pole dancing poles, you know at some point i'll be on them, so best wear a top that doesn't fall down constantly....

hahahaha gotta love the horn!!!!!!!!!