I like it. Reminds me of Moontower a little.:)

here's one from early '01 on my part, still not the oldest one I've done but the oldest one on my hard drive:

My old ESP LTD 7-string, dont have it anymore sadly. I used a sr-16 for a loooong fuckin time.:Puke: mixed on a fd-8 with an Alesis comp sidechained in heheh. before I even had a pc.

I actually like the song a lot dude :kickass:
First recordings. Done with a crappy Shure mic, and a Keyboard mic. The 5" 10 watt guitar speaker was miced at the cone, and the drums had one mic with the stand touching the kick so the thump would transfer through the stand. It sat at the same height of the cymbals pointed at the snare. These went straight into the 4 track Tascam 424(?), with the levels hitting +3 the whole time into some cheap tape, and was all monitored through my Ipod headphones. I walked away with 20$ that day :)

The drummer was pretty damn awesome though.
Well I haven't been recording for long but here are some older recordings from about a year ago -

Vigilantism and Break The Barriers are the oldest on that page. The drums were Acoustica Beatcraft (which I thought was the shit at the time)
The guitars were all Guitar Rig 3 (which I also thought was the shit) and the lead guitars were by a dude called Jackolas on Ultimate Guitar, who used the Digitech RP350 I think.
Great thread!

Here's some really old stuff I've done, not necessarily that embarrassing, but they are some of my first recordings.

Here's a couple done on my old Akai 12 track before I had a DAW on a PC sometime around 1997 or 98. Boss DR770 drum machine, a Boss Metalzone, and the other has the direct out from a JCM2000 TSL - Yuck! song 12 track.mp3

Here's the first mix I did in the old Cubase 5 VST with a Peavey Rockmaster and the original oldschool Drumkit From Hell triggered with Battery sometime around the year 2000. 2.mp3
oh god my mate has one of mine from back in 1999 or 1998 or something, it was 1 pc microphone hooked up to a pentium III - ill get the files off him. as far as i remember it was fucking brutal
Hmmm well my first bands earliest stuff didn't survive as we didn't have the internet when we started recording and we had the shittiest computers ever. My first PC wouldn't play more than 7 tracks simultaneously and running more than about 4 plugins killed it completly so a lot of old-school submix bouncing was required. I think this file was originally recorded back in something like '98 or '99. Not sure. Could be earlier. Lots of ludicrous one-sample drum programming going on back in the days when I'd never played with a real drummer before so I was more or less making it up as I went along. Anaemic.mp3

Then there's this one, which was pretty much jazz odyssey compared to the other bands in our hometown. :D Enjoy the lovely digital clipping: Undergrowth.mp3 We actually re-recorded this years later with a human drummer. But to be honest that version sounds even worse! We didn't know shit about recording live drums!