check this out, recorded one rhythm guitar track and just copypasted with no delay at all, then switched phase on one of them trying to make it sound better, super phasey guitars, bass is mic'd 10 watt behringer amp (with sm57), drums and keys are fruityloops. guitars are mic'd btw, a crate 120w amp, guitar is a gibson Sg

I like the Myspace page! Don't mean to sound like a dick, but this is what I'm thinking about anyway: why did you guys see so much trouble to getting the Myspace page look good while knowing the music didn't really... match the quality?
I like the Myspace page! Don't mean to sound like a dick, but this is what I'm thinking about anyway: why did you guys see so much trouble to getting the Myspace page look good while knowing the music didn't really... match the quality?

we had a super professional graphic designer completely for free cause it's a very close friend, we did NOT have a professional producer to work the demo, it was done by me when my knowledge in the subject was practically zero. We are recording a new song in a decent studio next monday though.
These are from when I was 12. I honestly don't remember being this terrible at guitar.. jesus christ. It sounds like one of those youtube dubs

They were both recorded, line in through this beast:


The drums were also coming out of the amp through some Korg Pandora thing with drum loops.
dude even my most recent recordings are embarrassing as shit compared to what some people concoct around here

no way am i posting ANY of it
I've got some old porta studio stuff on cassettes from high school that are cringe worthy, but I'd hesitate to call them "mixes", lol.

My first real recording project, from 2006 (my own band). I don't think it's that bad, but definitely parts of it aren't the best. This was done after a shit ton of reading and "testing", so...

My worst recording in terms of engineering, etc. was my first real project I tracked, mixed and mastered for another band. They had all SS crate stuff, and their drummer had a really crappy kit with old heads...And he had muscular dystrophy or something (not sure). His hands were pretty much always in a clenched fist state, and he didn't have reall good leg control. To be honest, he was AMAZING at drums considering his disability, but drum editing on that project was HARSH. I normally don't bother with quantizing and cleaning up, and I'm up front with bands about it. I usually tell them if they want something like that, it'll cost more because of the time (I charge by project). But for this project since it was my first, I felt bad, and tried as best I could to clean it up by hand. But after many hours of editing of the drums, they got impatient for the mixes. I told them if I didn't have to clean it up, I'd pretty much be done...They wanted them, so I didn't clean up too much. They seemed to dig the result, so I guess it worked out, but it was the hardest, roughest drums I've ever done. I don't have a clip of it, though.
My FIRST ever recording, and a couple of the others to follow have been lost due to my old laptop dieing and having to reinstall windows, but here is the earlyest one i can find. sounds pretty good for what is was back then if you ask me. was a demo for my band.

recorded using cubase 3 (h2o, i was young ;D), guitar rig for guitars, bass was straight into my behringer xenyx 800, drums are ez drummer drumkit from hell and vocals on a shure sm57.

i had no idea what eq, compression or anything was back then, just leveled the tracks and panned the guitars (thanks to tweakz for me even being able to do that haha) and learned how to fade things, what a joke hahaha.

anyway here it is, someone may take an intrest in it, or someone may have a laugh at it, either way: Pathetic Specimen New.mp3

Betrayer - Fire to the Coals

Did this one in the summer of 2000. Pretty fucking horrid.... ....The cool thing is we redid the song this summer (the band is still together) and Fredrik Norstrom mixed it!! I'll post a clip of it when the album is released.

If I recall correctly, the drums are Roland V-drums, guitars are through a Rocktron Piranha & Peavey tube power amp... Custom cab with 100 watt Celestions, direct bass. I think we used Sonar 1 & the interface was a brand new M Audio Delta1010 with an Apogee Rosetta.

FWIW, this was the busted 57 on guitars. Took me forever to figure out something was wrong with it.

Jam recorded with a few friends from two years ago, before I really started mixing at all. It was tracked with a Rock Band microphone directly to Windows Sound Record. I panned the tracks in Adobe Audition afterwards. It actually turned out pretty well considering :P

I think I added the solo when I first got my interface and SM57.

Oh! You can actually hear a part where the drummer stepped between the microphone and the guitar amp XD

Nice thread!

This is the first recording I did on a computer. Taken from VALHALLA's demo 'Guardiand Of Metal' (1998). The song is a stupid cover of an spanish song that talks about a thong.
Soundcard was a Pinnacle and DAW was called Digital Orchestrator. - El Tanga (1998).mp3

I will have to convert to digital some cassettes between 1992-1996 (Pre computer era)... but I'm afraid of being banned.