This is the first recording I did on a computer. Taken from VALHALLA's demo 'Guardiand Of Metal' (1998). The song is a stupid cover of an spanish song that talks about a thong.
Soundcard was a Pinnacle and DAW was called Digital Orchestrator. - El Tanga (1998).mp3

Hahaha, oh wow. It's definitely, uh, original. :p

Anyway, I recorded this track about a year ago with a friend of mine. I had never made a serious attempt at recording anything before, so the whole thing was definitely a learning experience. It took a long time to get things to sound decent since I had virtually no recording/mixing knowledge at the time and everything was clipping like nobodies business. I even plugged my guitar right into the line-in on my Macbook with a 1/4" to 1/8" adapter instead of using an interface... D'oh.

The guitars were going through Guitar Rig 2 and the bass was programmed using Logic 8's shitty built-in bass amp plugin. My friend programmed the drums with EZ Drummer and DFH. We never got around to doing vocals because all we had was the built-in mic on my Macbook (which I've actually managed to get decent results from in the past) and we were living in dorms at the time, so obscure yelling and such probably wouldn't have gone over well.
Morgan C: that wasn't so bad ;) ... I don't know if I dare to ask since you've problary got the question a couple of times before... who is that girl on your profile picture? :)

Elisha Cuthbert


This is my earliest recording.. back when Metallica weren't sellouts yet :rolleyes:

That file has been the only thing that survived numerous hardware disasters, accidental formattings, upgradings, etc etc
The metronome and all the sounds -besides the guitars- where from a built-in card of a really old pc
And I plugged the guitar with a headphone converter (Yes I know I stepped on a cat at the beginning)