The Pre-Party is officially NO MORE (A message from Glenn & Shane)

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Empress said:
I agree. They loved the festival and the crowd LOVED them.

Personally, I would never want to see Freak Kitchen back at PP, but I wouldn't doubt if it happened. I can only say that they were really funny. But musically they did NOTHING for me. I am not going to vote for a band because they made me laugh the entire set, I don't like their music at all, the only reason I could stand it for those few songs was because it was entertaining to watch, and he was a comedian.

Anyway, it's my opinion, and it doesn't matter. So.. the end.

I agree with you about Freak Kitchen. I thought the bassist had an awesome voice, and liked just a few songs. They made me chuckle, but it's not a stand up fest.
Palabra de Dios said:
Another suggestion would be Therion.

It would be breaking the rule to have them at the main fest, but the Showcase does not have to adhere to the rules. It is about as close to a consensus as possible that Therion stole the show at PPVI, and they would get a huge response from a Thursday crowd eager to see this band who has only now done ONE American tour (and one PP).

Other suggestions from past PPs: Devin Townsend Band, Edguy, Orphaned Land, and Freak Kitchen (had to throw them in again…sorry :)).

That would be sweet..though does anyone yet know how Snowy Shaw sings yet?
This is the way I always thought it should be! So many of the bands at Pre Party were fantastic. They SHOULD be on center stage! Bring Andre Matos to the states!! He would be awesome live!
Absolutely awesome news, Glenn and Shane! Best news I've read all weekend, and that thread title had me freaking out, too!

(Regarding Therion)
Dominick_7 said:
That would be sweet..though does anyone yet know how Snowy Shaw sings yet?

Please note that AFAIK, Mats Leven (lead singer at PP 2005) is still singing for Therion; Snowy is replacing Christofer on vox (growls).

I distinctly remember a LOT of nay-sayers and "Great! This will give me a chance to go buy CDs!" comments regarding Therion's slot before the event...and a lot of people who said later that they were really sorry they had chosen to go away during their set.
As their sponsor, I was keenly watching the comments beforehand. They'd been running negative (or ambivalent) enough that, right before their set started, I looked out from the side-stage curtain and was dismayed that only 4-500 people were in the "bowl." During their set I couldn't see too well from in front of the barricade, so I was startled after a song or two to hear an amazing amount of crowd-noise, cheering, 'Therion' chants, etc. I thought "Hot damn! For such small numbers, they sure are making a lot of noise!" :lol: Afterward, Glenn confirmed that it was a pretty full house. *whew*

Financially I'd expect Therion to be a tough egg to crack for ProgPower itself, let alone the pre-par-- err, Showcase, but I'd loooove to see it. :kickass:

Err, did someone mention Orphaned Land? :rock:

For me, FK, Mercenary or VD would all be welcome in 2008, too. :notworthy
YtseJammer said:
Title of the thread scared the shit out of me, not going to lie.

Then I read the thread. HELL YEAH, bring it on.

Oh, btw, Vision Divine was a fan favorite!

Agreed on ALL counts...this is excellent news!

Another band that could potentially benefit from the “no repeat” rule NOT being in effect for the showcase is Circus Maximus…who should have a new CD out in 2007…
Personally, I would never want to see Freak Kitchen back at PP, but I wouldn't doubt if it happened. I can only say that they were really funny. But musically they did NOTHING for me. I am not going to vote for a band because they made me laugh the entire set, I don't like their music at all, the only reason I could stand it for those few songs was because it was entertaining to watch, and he was a comedian.

J-Dubya 777 said:
Is it because they don't sing about fire, dragons, and the importance of steel?


I agree with you totally J-Dubya plus they aren't from Italy, and we are both FREAK KITCHEN fanboys so there.
Pyramaze51 said:
I agree with you totally J-Dubya plus they aren't from Italy, and we are both FREAK KITCHEN fanboys so there.

Another one..
Sorry guys, I must have hurt your feelings.
Pyramaze51 said:
What does that mean Paula???

I'm not Paula, but I rarely use 7 years of Spanish, and can tell you some of it:


"We need to find/get lives!"

and the last line starts with "You know..... Empress & you......"

Juan W :heh:
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