The Pre-Party is officially NO MORE (A message from Glenn & Shane)

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Very exciting news indeed!

OK, whose organizing the BBQ? There's gotta be some form of a BBQ in the schedule somewhere???????????
Ladies and Gentlemen, the 2007 NOBEL PRIZE for sheer awesomeness goes to "drum roll" Glenn and Shane for promoting the preimier Prog/Power music festival in the world. Their hard work and sheer determination has taken what was a meer dream to heights of unparralled awesomeness, this coupled with undying fan loyality and the ability of Glenn to "Chicken Walk" and "Stage Dive" has this festival, ProgPower USA voted as the most anticipated event of the year.

Thank you Glenn and Shane not only for your hard work but also to the loyality you show to the fans and attendees but also to everyone involved, be it crew, or fan or Band. you guys are the best, and thank you for making this a year to remember.
I say bring back f'ing Pyramaze. I missed them the first time around, and would enjoy seeing them =)
SyXified said:
I just wanted to take this opportunity to revel in the fact that before the last fest I started a thread suggesting that based on the success of the pre-party and the constant sell-outs that it was time for ProgPower to become a 3 day festival. And EVERY single person who responded had to take the attitude of 'that's not a good idea, just let Glenn do his thing, you don't understand what goes into it, etc' (as if I was saying it to be critical of Glenn and the festival or somthing). Now its all 'WOW, amazing, great idea!' That's all I'm gonna say on that topic. Glenn - I think this is a fantastic move that is going to add a whole new dimension to the festival. Damn I wish I had somehow saved that thread ;)

Oh, jeez...(rolls eyes)...
Fantastic new! Congrats to Shane who has totally earned this. :rock: It's awesome to have the opportunity to bring back bands that everone loved but couldn't get back on the "main event".

J-Dubya 777 said:
Before you pat yourself on the back too hard, it still is a SEPERATE event, AFAIK (Glenn, Shane, please correct me if I'm wrong), and always was the unofficial 1st day of Prog power. I think the name change just reflects that it has permanently moved to the main stage, allowing more people in, better stage/lights/sound instead of booking a "bar" show. I think a lot of the reasons to NOT make PP a 3 day event are still valid.

Agreed. This change in the pre-party does not fit the model of a 3-day event as posted in that thread.
It's so much fun to see people bashing Pain of Salvation....

It makes me think "Well, more room for me in front of the stage!"

longshot9 said:
Excellent news! I also freaked when I saw the title of the thread. Here's another wish for Freak Kitchen headlining next year, that would ROCK!
I completely agree with every line of your comment. I'm totally stoked to hear that the Pre-Party Show will now have a permanent place on the main stage where Shane will have the chance to get some larger calliber bands and also give some great exposure to lesser known ones. :rock:
I also have to admit I was one of the many people who read the thread title :yow: and was ready to throw somewhat of a metal tempertantrum - until I read the content of the thread. I was very glad that I was mistaken about my assumption on the topic and that the Pre-Party (or Night 3) is here to stay.
I too would love to see Freak Kitchen come back next year. Hope Shane can pull those strings that he's been so great at pulling in the past. (I'd also love to see Benedictum, if that's at all possible. :grin:)
Thank you, Glenn and Shane for continuing to give us such awesome reasons to collect in Atlanta every year! :notworthy You guys rock! :rock: :kickass:
Another suggestion would be Therion.

It would be breaking the rule to have them at the main fest, but the Showcase does not have to adhere to the rules. It is about as close to a consensus as possible that Therion stole the show at PPVI, and they would get a huge response from a Thursday crowd eager to see this band who has only now done ONE American tour (and one PP).

Other suggestions from past PPs: Devin Townsend Band, Edguy, Orphaned Land, and Freak Kitchen (had to throw them in again…sorry :)).
Palabra de Dios said:
Another suggestion would be Therion.

It would be breaking the rule to have them at the main fest, but the Showcase does not have to adhere to the rules. It is about as close to a consensus as possible that Therion stole the show at PPVI, and they would get a huge response from a Thursday crowd eager to see this band who has only now done ONE American tour (and one PP).

DAMN SKIPPY!!! I fondly recall so many of the nay-sayers coming back here to the forums to give their humbled opinions of the show afterwards. And I revelled in it! :heh:

And I would LOVE to see them back here at ProgPower, where they would be most appreciated - regardless of which night it was. I could only see them headlining the Thursday night gig though. And with this next album being their last for the next few years*, a ProgPower Showcase headlining gig would be a hell of a feather in your cap, Shane. *wink*wink*nudge*nudge* :tickled:

* yes, if you haven't heard yet, Christofer Johnsson plans to schedule some time off - no writing, no recording, no touring - for no less than two years after the next album and tour. A much-deserved break for one of the hardest working bands in heavy metal. :D
I am SOOOO late on catching up in this thread.

Showcase night... Unsigned Night... veeery appropriate. Especially since there's so many bands that attack the show and send everyone home with contented suprise and a new found audience for the band to brag about back home. I like this idea.

And I also like the idea of making sure an up-and-coming band or two get to show off to an audience that they know will like their kind of music, especially when OUR kinds of bands just aren't gonna be found at Ozzfest! This is really really cool.
Rider of Theli said:
DAMN SKIPPY!!! I fondly recall so many of the nay-sayers coming back here to the forums to give their humbled opinions of the show afterwards. And I revelled in it! :heh:

Not sure what world you were living in, or what you're talking about. There never seemed to be much objections to Therion from the get-go. In fact, the vast majority on the forum seemed pretty excited they were playing.
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