the problem with bathrobes

These stereotypical attitudes towards bathrobes which the modern youth exhibit distress me greatly. Even those who are in favour of this redoubtable piece of apparel show a disregard for proper bathrobe etiquette. Smoking a pipe in a bathrobe is an unfortunate sign of our times. Pipes should be smoked only in smoking jackets. While these are often mistaken for bathrobes by the layman, i assure you there is no comparison to the trained eye.

I would also mention in purely an anecdotal manner that Mr Segal was once choked unconscious by a well known stunt man whom he challenged on set. While "under" he lost control of his bodily functions and soiled himself badly. Of course, his agents hushed it all up but word spread quickly among us "old hands" in the oriental fighting arts community. We sneered greatly, needless to say