the problem with bathrobes

I doubt the veracity of that story. Aikido is hardest martial arts to even be considered good and Seagal is the only westerner to be considered a master. Unless the stuntman was Dan Inosanto or somebody of that caliber I can't see that happenning...
mindspell said:
I doubt the veracity of that story. Aikido is hardest martial arts to even be considered good and Seagal is the only westerner to be considered a master. Unless the stuntman was Dan Inosanto or somebody of that caliber I can't see that happenning...
My dear sir, the story is solid, solid I tell you. The and not stuntmans name is "judo" Gene Lebell, and if you have a passing aquaintance with the fistic arts you would know that name. Mr Segals legal minions gagged poor Gene with regards to this story, however word slipped out all the same. It seems Messrs Segal and Lebell had a disagreement vis a vis the stars treatment of stuntmen during which Segal made a remark about his skills and invited Mr lebell to try choke him out. He did. When Mr Seagal "came round" he claimed he was not prepared the first time so Mr Lebell obliged him with a second dose of oxygen deprivation therapy during which Mr Segal fouled his undergarments, (by loosing control of his bladder I might add, but in a far more "substantial" and aromatic manner. If i may be so uncouth).

As per your comment regarding aikidos combative viabilty and Mr Segals seniority of rank among westerners. To use the verncular: it is isnt and he aint.

The lack of knowledge on this board about matters with which all young enterprising men should be familiar is frankly disturbing. What academies are responsible for your education? I shall have to write stern letters to their boards of governers I tell you
Bambi said:
My dear sir, the story is solid, solid I tell you. The and not stuntmans name is "judo" Gene Lebell, and if you have a passing aquaintance with the fistic arts you would know that name. Mr Segals legal minions gagged poor Gene with regards to this story, however word slipped out all the same. It seems Messrs Segal and Lebell had a disagreement vis a vis the stars treatment of stuntmen during which Segal made a remark about his skills and invited Mr lebell to try choke him out. He did. When Mr Seagal "came round" he claimed he was not prepared the first time so Mr Lebell obliged him with a second dose of oxygen deprivation therapy during which Mr Segal fouled his undergarments, (by loosing control of his bladder I might add, but in a far more "substantial" and aromatic manner. If i may be so uncouth).

As per your comment regarding aikidos combative viabilty and Mr Segals seniority of rank among westerners. To use the verncular: it is isnt and he aint.
Well Gene Lebell is no ordinary stuntman is he? The factuality of your previous post was hazy at best, hence my doubt about it. If you actually explained the situation with a little more detail then it would have made more sense.

As for his seniority, Seagal was the first western shodan of the Ki Society Aikido, he got it while residing in Japan, look it up.
My good man, I know all about Mr seagal. Joined tohei's crew and then buggered off and trained in japan, married his teachers daughter and when said teacher popped his clogs inheirited the dojo (and some say got bumped up quickly tru the ranks because of this but that maybe sour grapes). Either way he was not the most senior western practioner even if rank meant bally all outside the fluffy world of aikido.

BTW my spies also tell me that the rewnowned Brazillian, Machado also "did a number" on set to our mr Segal.
I believe i also have Mr Segals bespoke tailors' card somewhere if you'd like it. he's quite the dab hand at frilled clothing I am assured.
the only thing worse than living with Steven Seagal is my being my brother, whose roommate owns ever one of his movies on DVD.

And whenever I used to come over there would be a Seagal movie on, and whenever I laughed at his poor accents and grimaces I would get a beat down.