The Prophecies of Metalizedamus Jul - Dec 2007


Sep 10, 2001
not there

"...the ancient Odin shall be the highest..."
Wotan's singer will break the record of high heels, as his new boots will, except for small wings on each side (like Hermes' flying boots), have 50cm heels.

"...the roars shall be heard in the battle ..."
Battleroar's third album will be named "Roar" and will be their most epic one. In each of the songs known rock stars will participate . Some of the guest musicians will be:
David "The Lion" DeFeis (in the song "Roar"), Chriss Barnes, Nikos Varsamis, Messiah, John Perrez, Robert Garven, Eddie Malm.

"...the mass of the Candles shall go on..."
Candlemass will release a new CD single called "False Messiah". Leif Edling will state that the title of the single has nothing to do with any of former Candlemass members.

"...the Impaled from Finland shall be punked..."
Impaled Nazarene will record their new album, which will be like old Sex Pistols and Faster Pussycat. The album will be called "Suomi Finland Punkele".

"...the one who digs the graves shall taste Irish pride..."
Grave Digger shall be attacked by Irish extremists, because the last ones were jealous that the band released concept albums for both Scotland and England, but not for Ireland.

"...the ones whose dreams are not of good shall alter their name..."
Dream Evil shall be renamed to Last In Line.

"...the ones who eat the dead shall eat less..."
Necrophagist will upload on their website a new track named "Tastes Good", from their upcoming album. Greenpeace's department for protection of the rights of the dead, will react to that and sabotage all their shows, by camping in front of every club where the band will play live. After a while the band will upload one more song called "Say yes to healthy food" to calm down Greenpeace.

"...evil shall have no boundaries in becoming a master of the evil computer arts..."
Kristo will start acquiring knowledge of computer programming, via e-learning sites. Very soon he will become a very skillful developer.


"...the furious blade shall be sharp..."
Wrathblade's singer Nikolaos Varsamis, who is the singer of Litany as well, will be the first man to complete a whole tour of the Balkan on feet. Because of this publicity stunt, Wrathblade will become a world wide famous metal band. His brother Grigoris, owner Eat Metal Racords, will state that he is very proud of his brother and that he would have joined him, but he had not been that busy.

"...death's words are heard ..."
Obituary will announce that they will normally continue releasing albums as they have done so far. Their new album will be released in 2009.

"...the potion of metal shall not be lethal..."
Elixir will gain as sponsor a newly established medical firm that makes potions against allergy to stupidity. The sponsorship will breakdown very soon, as the firm will go out of business two weeks after their foundation.

"...the female Goddess shall show the female might..."
Astarte, inspired by the Cradle of Filth shows, will start having naked men dancing on stage at their shows.

"...the rays and the weens shall fight..."
Kai Hansen of Gamma Ray and Michael Weikath of Helloween will get into a fight about which of "Keeper of the Seven Keys, pt. I" (mainly composed by Hansen) or "Keeper of the Seven Keys, pt. II" (mainly composed by Weikath) is better. The fight will result in both of them ending up in the hospital. After they will exit the hospital they will become best friends.

"...the ones warned by fate shall progress on..."
Fates Warning will begin working on their new album which will have 3 songs of total length 186 minutes.

"...the evil shall disappear..."
Kristo will escape his prison, after killing his father by strangling him with the mouse cable. His traces will be lost.


"...the lord of the holy art shall master himself..."
Thou Art Lord will become honorable member of the Satanistic Church of New York, as Magus Daoloth will make a new guiness record: He will manage to decapitate more than three thousand ants in less then 40 minutes and lay their headless bodies on an altar of Satan specially designed for bugs.

"...the ones who are eternally alone shall be alone no more..."
Solitude Aeturnus will recruit three more members. The new members' job will be to keep the old members company, as they will start feeling very lonely.

"...the lady who is not out of the temptation will tell her sins..."
Sharon den Adel of Within Temptation will admit in public that her mother takes her to confession every week, because she thinks she is led into temptation, when she is with the band. Sharon will actually think of leaving her current band and join Confessor.

"...the kingdom of the queen shall rise forth..."
Queensryche will record the sequel to the sequel of "Operation Mindcrime". This time they will be playing something between late Paradise Lost, Amon Amarth, early Fates Warning and Bolt Thrower. The new album will be investigating the medical aspects of such the operation.

"...the British eagle shall fly again..."
Saxon will release one more live album. They will make a contest on their web site about how the album should be called, with the first (and only) prize being a whole weekend spent with Biff Byford. The winner will be a very good looking 20 year old female Saxon fan. The name of the album will be "The eagle has landed part IV".

"...the roads of Manilla shall open wide for the shark..."
Mark Shelton of Manilla Road will gain the golden key of Manilla, a town in New South Wales, Australia. Shelton will buy a home and live there till the end of his life, after he retires from the music industry.

"...the developed evil shall start arising..."
Kristo's traces, who is not little anymore, will be found in MIT in USA. The institution will gladly employ him, as Kristo will have obtained so much I.T. knowledge by then, that all the employees in MIT together don't possess. He will start teaching in a small group of students.


"...the saint shall fight with the sinner ..."
Armored Saint and Sinner will begin a common European tour. In the first concert the fans of the two bands will get into a terrible fight, as the fans of Sinner (mainly atheists, satanists etc...) will get very angry, because their favorite band has to be the opening act to Armored Saint, whose fans are mainly nuns, priests etc... The tour will not continue.

"...the martyr who is not unholy shall not become Spartan..."
Alex Mereu, Holy Martyr's singer, will express his will to move to Sparta, Greece, so he can feel closer to Leonithas, the great Spartan king who fought and fell on Thermopile along with his three hundred brave Spartans. His band mates will take away the Sambuka he was drinking and the next day, after he will have sobered up, he will apologize to them.

"...plague once passed shall spread once again to rot once away again..."
Pestilence will release a very experimental album, where they will gather all the sounds related to death, famine, life support devices, bugs who are near the dead, add some death metal riffs and growls, some jazz rhythm section and release it. The album will become an obligatory course in the second year of medical studies in Panama, Albania, Greece, Korea and 138 more countries.

"...the panther shall play with the titan..."
Titan Force and Jag Panzer will make a Balkan tour, with Jag Panzer as headliners and Titan Force as the opening act. The tour will have a great success, but Harry Conklin will end up in intensive care, as he will have to sing for about three hours per day, each day for the whole month.

Skyclad will release their new album "King of the Poverty Circle" and they will issue a special release that will contain the aforementioned album and their classic "Prince of the Poverty Line". This special issue will make them filthy rich, as it will become platinum within three weeks after its release.

"...the endless pain shall last for Europe..."
Kreator's singer/guitarist Mile Petrozza will co-operate with the famous Croatian singer Milo Hrnich and Mile from the croatian band Hladno Pivo, after they all meet, during Petrozza's vacation in Dalmatia, and they will tour all over Romania and Bulgaria to celebrate the entrance of those countries in the European Union. They will cover traditional Slovenian and Austrian songs arranged for three man band and ballet.

"...the theater of dreams shall bear red..."
Dream Theater will sue Manchester United for calling their stadium "Dream Theater". The president of the football club will sue them back for mental, psychological and material abuse, as the accusations of the band shall be overthrown. From then on the band will have to wear the shorts and t-shirts of the football club whenever they play live in England for the next 20 years.

"...evil knowledge shall flow in the group..."
Kristo will, though his teaching and mass hypnosis, take over the will and minds of his students. The harmless group of geeky students, shall turn into a new evil super group.


"...the sodomized uncle shall drink all to the end..."
Tom Angelripper will form a new band with his uncle Tom. The band will be called "Uncle and Nephew Tom".

"...the coming lord shall walk among the Lord's places ..."
Veni Domine will tour to the Holy Places to promote their new album.

"...the high priest of metal shall drink the blood of bats..."
Ozzy Osbourne will appear in the new advertisement of Bacardi, where he will bite off the head of an alive bat to drink its blood, which in the end will be Bacardi rum.

"...the cannibals shall be found on the screen..."
After the great success they had on Pet Detector, Jim Carrey and Cannibal Corpse will do one more film, where the band will be playing in a graveyard, their song "Post Mortal Ejaculation", when Jim Carrey who is supposed to be dead will jump out of his grave seeking to pee and asking of the band to be a little bit more quite the next time, because Death Metal makes him wanna urinate.

"...the Christ who is under decomposition shall almost vanish ..."
Sakis from Rotting Christ will be the victim of a murder attempt from a die-hard fan of the band, because the band stopped playing pure black Metal. The almost murderer-to-be could not try to assassinate Sakis earlier, although he wanted, because he was not old enough to go buy the alcohol, that he will have to consume before the attempt.

"...the steel of middle ages shall shine in the dark..."
Medieval Steel singer Bobby Franklin will give on sale some pieces of the original EP. He will become filthy rich because he will sell the EPs for 672Euros each. Based on this, the demographic institutions will change the global social status of the Metalheads from middle-lower class to higher-newly rich class.

"...the terrified ones shall inverse their fate ..."
Horrified will release their new album and with that they will establish their own metal category: Horrified Metal, as the critics and magazines will not be able to categorize them under any known metal category.

"...the evil group shall take its positions..."
The students will be employed to key positions in big corporations around the globe, that are responsible for the function of the Internet as we know it. They will all create Myspace, hi5, Ultimate Metal and other accounts on all known Internet services.


"...the king of the demons shall prepare food for others, but not for long..."
Silenius and Trifixion, who contributed in Pazuzu, will open a restaurant and will serve only raw meat, that the customers will have to slaughter themselves. The restaurant will be closed by the health inspection, because the inspectors will notice that Silenius went to pee and pooh and didn't wash his hands.

"...the Vietnamese river shall reach its delta once more ..."
Ralph Hubert of Mekong Delta will release a solo instrumental album, where the only instrument that will be used will be his bass. Joy De Maio of Manowar will try to commit suicide after he will listen to the album, because he will realize that he is not half good as Ralph, but he will not succeed.

"...the horizon who has not been found shall be true..."
Lost Horizon shall be the true metal pioneers and make their fans take the true metal test before they enter the concert hall where the band will be playing live. This innovation will function in this way:
Tickets will be sold only at the concert hall, on the day of the concert. Before anyone can buy ticket and enter the hall, they will have to put on special true metal make up and take a true metal test, which nobody will know how it will look like. If they pass the test without sweating in a way that will melt the make up away, they will be able to buy the ticket and enter the hall. The catch will be that after they have bought the ticket, they will not be able to leave the hall before the end of the concert.

"...the end shall come..."
Kristo and his evil group with organized massive DoS (denial of service) attacks and through backdoors they will have already activated by then, will hack into every computer in the world and completely destroy the whole Internet as we know it. Myspace will be the first of the sites to go, the IRC servers will follow, then mail servers and eventually everything that is connected to the Internet. This will be the end of the world as we know it. This attacks against the Internet hosts will lead to mass confusion; people will be running panicked on the streets, all communications will be in a breakdown, most of the older ones will get a heart attack, most of the younger ones will kill most of the middle aged ones and thus the civilization will come to its totally end. Kristo will of course be the governor of the earth and he will live long and prosper for his own profit. Before the end of 2007 all traces of him will be lost. Rumors will be spread that he committed suicide, he got abducted by aliens, he made a deal with the devil, or that he founded the best Heavy Metal band ever. Nobody will live to know what was the truth.

This is what the Angel of Retribution revealed to me in my dream.
Now all that remains is to prepare for the end.